Best Air Quality Testing Gear

There are many air quality tests kits on the market.  Some obviously work better than others and below I show the best place to get your air quality test kits. Besides showing you the test kits, I also go into detail about certain pollutant tests that have been proven by consumers to be a cut above the rest in their category.

In short, after looking around I believe Sylvane is the best place to go to for your required general air quality test kit. Most of the tests you will find need you to take samples as instructed in an instruction manual. Once you have the samples you have to send them back to a lab after which you get your results sent back to you by post and email.

Do not compromise when testing your air quality and always go for high quality testing equipment. I have hand picked the best tests within the $100 price range for you with exceptions for radon and Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) tests where devices that perform optimally cost around $200.

Some of the gear below here is available at Amazon. Just follow the product links for more specification details at Amazon or on the actual product website.

General Air Quality Testing

SylvaneThis is my first point of call for any general air quality tests. You will get tests for babies room, and bundled test kits so you can test multiple pollutants including, VOCs, allergens, mold and dust mites. Sylvane also has water leakage and moisture tests (click here to see). Once you receive your test kits you  just follow the instructions, send back your samples to the lab and after 2-5 days your results are sent back to you electronically or by post as you prefer.

Alen Corp Test Kits: An alternative place to get high quality test kits is Alen Corp. They are a direct source for some of the lab test kits you see at Sylvane. I see their selection of test kits are more comprehensive but they don’t bundle the tests in a single package like Sylvane does. Go straight to Alen Corp if there is a test you cannot find at Sylvane. 

Testing for VOCs

Home Air CheckFor more accurate VOC tests use Home Air Check (you can get their VOC test here ).  Once you have collected your air sample, simply mail the pump and sample tube back to their lab  with the box and postage-paid return label provided and they will analyze your sample.

You will receive your results in exactly 5 business days or less by email.  Just note that their test is a single-use test and must be returned by the date indicated in your kit. So you unfortunately don’t get to keep the test kit for future use. Use Home Air Quality Check for no nonsense results delivered on time.

Formaldehyde Air Rapid Test Kit If you want to test specifically for formaldehyde with instant results and no labs involved, the Air Rapid Test Kit is a very low cost and quick test for you. Just note, you have to get two kits for accurate results.  You can use it in your home or car and it comes with a paper strip that indicates the level of formaldehyde in your home based on a a color scale (check it out here for more details).

Testing For Radon

Airthings Corentium Home Radon DetectorIf you want a real time test for Radon the Airthings Radon detector is your best bet. No need to call professionals to come in or to send lab samples and wait for results here. You just set it up and you start seeing radon levels in your home instantly. I think its as good as home radon tests come if you look at things from an accuracy and quality perspective. (Click here for more details).

Testing For Dust Mite

Ventia Rapid Test for Dust Mite AllergenMy go to place for dust mite tests is the Ventia test kit (you can get it on amazon here). Its the fastest test I have seen for dust mite and you don’t have to send samples to labs.  This test indicates in ten minutes whether there is a low, medium or high level of mite allergen around your home.  The video below explains it all.

About Us

Fresh Air Genie ProfileHi! I’m Jean-Baptiste and I run Fresh Air Genie. As a longtime nosebleed and sinus sufferer, over the years I have come to learn a lot about maintaining good air quality and on Fresh Air Genie I share everything I am learning as I go. Fresh Air Genie is about helping you breathe better air and my hope is that this blog will help you improve your air quality wherever you are.

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